It's no secret that cars can be incredibly dangerous if driven incorrectly. They're multi-ton hunks of metal that can run from tens to hundreds of miles per hour, giving credence to the fact that they can be deadly if wielded incorrectly.
And with the amount of accidents that have happened since the start of history of automotive use, we'll need to upkeep the laws that are related to keeping us safe with the use of automobiles. As drivers, we have responsibilities to uphold the safety of our fellow motorists.
According to different state statistics, the number of fatalities have decreased annually due to many precautions and laws that have been enacted. Still, accidents happen leading to injuries and damage to property. This year, we are at an all time low for vehicular injuries, 10526 hospitalizations and serious injuries, compared to 2018's 11197 hospitalizations, 12 months starting from March.
While this is indeed an improvement, we can definitely improve this trend of needless hospitalizations and vehicular damage, leading to so much expense, especially since vehicular accidents remain to be the number one cause of injury caused by accidents since last year. With a few adjustments, we can even lower these figures.
Here are some tips from us here at Elinz how we can all make the road a safer place.
Be a defensive driver. It's always important to try these defensive tactics when you're driving. You don't need to be aggressive, and always take your time when you're driving. If a fellow motorist is proving to be difficult and impatient, give way and don't compete- this is one of the most important points in becoming a defensive driver.
Most importantly- drive slow. Just because the speed limit is at 40, doesn't mean that you should always drive close to that limit. Take it slow- you'll eventually get to where you need to be. This helps you be aware, and helps you react faster to so many things that could happen out on the road. For example, a vehicle that's running at a reasonable speed will have an easier time steering or completely stopping should a pedestrian or an animal come running right in front of your vehicle.
Don't try to speed up, be aware of the road at all times, and be courteous. Above all else, be aware of your surroundings, and know the "lay of the land", so to speak. You can do that by getting the aid of a navigation app on your mobile device or head unit that directs via voice command so you can keep your attention on the road.
Take away the distraction. One of the biggest contributors to vehicular crashes is distraction. And the number one cause of distraction- mobile devices. To do that, stop fiddling with it while you're driving, and keep both hands on the wheel! You can use either a mount for your mobile devices that interact with your phone/tablet, or have a head unit that can take in phone calls for you hands-free.
Never, ever try to play movies on your head unit. Instead, keep your eyes on the road. You can, however, have the movie play on your other car DVD players in the back seat to entertain your passengers.
As a driver, this is your main responsibility- to never take your eyes off the road to be alert as posssible.
Complete awareness. Always make sure that you are aware of what's happening on the road, when you're driving, or even when you're reversing. Side mirrors and rearview mirrors are great and all, but nothing beats the reliability of a reversing camera.
We're big fans of the reversing camera, and there's no shame in installing one- even experienced drivers find themselves pleasantly surprised when they first turn it on. It not only ensures that you're seeing you're reversing into with perfect accuracy, but it helps prevent any accidents even when you're out on the road.
Review your driving. And what better way to do this than with a dash cam? When you're out driving, you might get aggravated at various things happening that it impairs your judgment. You might do something risky, and you might not even remember it completely.
Sometimes, you'll make mistakes when driving that you won't even recognize. A dash cam is great for looking into these mistakes, and how to improve your driving. If you've got a 4k dash cam, it serves a double purpose- you might even get some nice shots in enough to start a travel blog.
Once you've recognized some bad driving habits (which can also be tracked by an inward facing dash cam), be sure to remove these harmful and distracting behaviors to keep you and your passengers safe.
Make sure that your vehicle is in tip top shape. You're not only getting less mileage out of your vehicle if it isn't properly maintained, but you're possibly endangering yourself and your fellow motorists. A tyre blow out may cause a car to careen sideways colliding with other vehicles or property, and a problem with your brake can lead to disastrous results (especially for newer drivers that might panic in such circumstances).
A TPMS or a OBD2 diagnostic scanner is perfect in this case, and a frequent trip to your local mechanic for a quick tune up AND check up is incredibly helpful in keeping your vehicle's health.
Breathe. A lot can happen out there on the road, and it won't be peaches when you're driving. Other drivers can be quite infuriating or emotional, and this can affect your driving. Take 3 seconds, calm down and breathe. Keep yourself level when you're driving. When emotions run high, you'll tend to make some rash driving decisions- which you shouldn't.
There you have it- our short and simple guide here at Elinz for driving. If you're looking for some safety equipment, browse our selections of 4k dash cameras and reversing cameras for complete road awareness and visibility.