Today's Christmas Eve, and to anyone of our dear readers and customers reading this- have yourself a very merry Christmas!
If you're going to be travelling for quite the distance this festive season, we urge that you stay safe and keep a very alert mind and body. It is the season for mirth and merrymaking after all, and everyone isn't up to speed when it comes to their driving.
Make sure that you're travelling safe this season and if you can limit the amount of travelling, do so.
According to last year's news, we've seen tons of accidents leading to fatalities during the Christmas season. It's supposed to be a very happy time for all, but due to the negligence of some motorists, it sometimes turns into a very sombre and morose affair.
Just last year, around 28 people lost their lives during the holiday season leading up to the new year, in what officials describe as disappointing.
Despite the government's best efforts, accidents still happen and are at an all time high during the Christmas season. Spending has increased to make roads safer but of course, issues like this happen due to the negligence of the regular driver.
Some road officials even urge us to be on our best behaviour, and remember that Christmas is no different than other days when it comes to driving.
It's our responsibility as motorists to always be on our best behaviour on the road but sometimes, other people don't observe this especially during the holidays where everyone's either in a rush to go to somewhere, or worse- distracted and intoxicated.
Like we said, we here at Elinz are big advocates of road safety. So here are some of our tips to stay safe on the road today, and to have proper and happy Christmas day tomorrow:
1. DO NOT drink and drive.
It's common knowledge that people drink lots and lots of alcohol during the Christmas season, which is quite normal. What's abnormal, though, is the habit of driving after drinking.
It's completely inexcusable, and should not be done by anyone regardless of levels of intoxication. Believe us- its just not worth it and you don't want to ever take your chances. Some people might brag about surviving it or acting like it was nothing, but here are some facts for you: 1 in 4 driver fatalities that happen in Australia is due to drunk driving.
Not a good example, this.
Not scared yet? according to the The Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) reports that there were as much as 388 Australians that died in car crashes brought on by drink driving.
Let that sink in for a second. Again, it's not worth it AT ALL.
If you're going to be drinking this Christmas, make sure that you have a place to spend the night. Even if you were just a little bit tipsy, its best to just find a place to your head on and sober up. If you think that coffee will help right after a big drinking party, it doesn't.
To keep yourself honest, it's not a bad idea to get yourself a dual dash cam - one camera records outward, and another records inward. Speaking of dash cams...
2. Be courteous at all times.
It's just not worth it being irate on the road. It's bad for for your driving, and its bad for your health, and its bad for other people too. Is it really worth it cussing out somebody just because they just merged in to your lane?
Accidents can happen if you're not thinking straight, and if you have a dash cam, that can get captured. View it at a later time and you'll notice most of the time that being angry on the road is just not worth it. Furthermore, road rage is a common cause of accidents anywhere in the world, and Australia is not an exception- you'd do well to stay calm and avoid any untoward incidents especially during this holiday season where everyone is in a rush and tensions can run a bit high.